Under Construction?

One of my favorite things during the winter is being able to stay home.
No, really…
I will pop in a good EDM remix, turn up the volume and start perusing WordPress themes for ideas and ways that I can improve the site, including putting in a more than twice a year post. This time, I took another look at what was more important to you: The person reading this site, and why you come to this site to see what’s new.
It certainly isn’t for the articles…
Most requested in email and messages through Facebook and Instagram have been, “where is your next event?”. This was particularly true during and post-Covid and is even more so today as many of my events have evaporated. I am not in Lexington, KY (was near-monthly) nor Nashville, TN (three-four times a year) as often as I had been in the past. I put this at the top of the list on the main page. I have this synched with my Google Calendar, and you can also subscribe to the calendar and add events to your calendar as a reminder.
The next section down are the products. The categories have been streamlined. This is followed by the most purchased items through the online shop. It just made sense to have fewer categories that was easy to follow and read. It was fine to have Tinctures, and Tincture Compounds under that. This is fine, and it is still a tincture.
The same with soaps. I had several categories that was a great idea at the time. Fruits, flowers, therapeutic… the list goes on. But, not really required with some of the newer fragrances that needed (yet) another category.
Finally, the articles, like this one you are reading. While these took a forefront to my site in 2006, they are not what you wanted as time moved on. Originally, they were going to be telling your about the products and services I provide, events I am going to and other things such as the distance I will travel to an event. I think that I made a few articles at the start, and that quickly lost its charm. Making articles has taken a back seat to things such as making soap.
The next thing is something that you won’t see too much of unless you are making a purchase The label-making process to ship items has been streamlined! Old way: copy and paste your shipping address into an online label making program, print labels and take this to the post office. New way: log into Shippo, approve the kind of label I need, click print and done.
So here we are. Back to remodeling the web site and making things easier on the eyes. Until next time!