
If there was one thing I wasn’t ready for, it was how my little business, since 2006 has grown from a corner in my apartment’s living room, multiple classes, certifications, good and bad ideas come and gone. I don’t think that I could have been ready for this.
It’s all over the news, inflation, inflation, inflation. What used to be $10 for a 5 liter bottle of olive oil had turned into $25 for the same bottle of olive oil. It isn’t just one place, but most places I typically shop at, including my wholesale places are higher than what they were 5 years ago.
For example, to make a batch of soap in 2016, it would cost me under $50 in materials (lye, water, oils, consumables etc.) to make a batch of soap. Now, it’s more than doubled.
I have raised my prices last year to $3 a bar to $4 a bar to help offset the normal prices going up such as shipping and other things. I am resisting bumping my soaps up to $5-6 a bar because it feels unnecessary.